Monday, June 23, 2014

End of another chapter

Here I am again, at crossroads. Never expected this actually..I thought I had my life figured out. I was with the girl I finally could understand and settle down with and all of that changed within a year. Should have seen the signs, but I was blind to them. Well things change and I so do I..everything does. That's the beauty of this world too. Without change there is nothing to be happy about or be sad about. All I need to do now is stop feeling sorry for myself and live life.

Life is funny in that way. I ended up working in the one state that I never wanted to work, Kerala and of all places in Kerala, Trivandrum. Well that's life again. I do try a lot to like this place,but people here in general get under my skin. I know I m extremely biased but I just can't help it. Must be cos of certain people I know from this god forsaken part of this God's own country. Very grateful though for the few people I like from here. Cos of them I haven't lost my sanity.

Oh there is a new improvement from the last time I wrote a blog, I am officially a designer that's an upside of this whole Tvm situation.

Back to the original reason I started writing this, why is religion so god damned inflexible. Or to be more precise why are the people who practice it so inflexible. Why cannot I be accepted as a human being, or is that asking for too much? Just cos I chose not to believe there is a bearded guy hiding in the clouds controlling my life, but believe that I alone am responsible for what happens in my life doesn't make me any less human. In fact I should be appreciated for the way I see life, instead of religious zealots who blame all "ill-fate" as God's revenge/anger/disciplining act, I just see it as part of life and being part of this huge organism called the world. Are they so immature that they can't take responsibility of their own lives? When you are a kid,its understandable that you listen to your parents to be in their good side, but expecting the same when you grow up and make up a father figure (or mother figure,depending on what religion you believe in) is ridiculous.

I am not proclaiming religion is all bad. Some people needing that extra bit of guidance to set their moral compass straight is understandable, everybody is unique, but trying to enforce that upon others who can do just fine without it is totally unacceptable.

My eyes have been opened, I am now an aggressive atheist. No more giving shit about another person's religion or belief. If you bug me, I drive my fist down your throat. End of story. You have no right to judge me.

I hope I have happier reasons in future to write about on here. It doesn't get any easier, this life.