Friday, June 24, 2005


The time is almost 4:00am and i aint sleepy at all.
Ofcourse i did sleep all afternoon and evening,but lets ignore that here.
Lets say i have a severe case of insomnia,and that i havent slept for days.

Well what i was trying to say was, its time for another blog.

I read sci-fi but not as much as some of my buddies in coll.
What books they have read i havent and vice versa.
So my choice of authors were considered to be......lets say outlandish (though i do read asimov)
I guess its partly true,cos where ever i have had a sci-fi discussion with anybody,the books i have read are the more obscure ones.
Actually i find them more entertaining than asimov or sorts (nothing against them,its just that they r cliche).
The obscure ones arent afraid to experiment with anything, ofcourse u cant expect the best books from them but there r quite a few good ones.

Well with this sort of thing happening all the time i thought i'd try out an established author ; in this case a well established series if u may. 'The foundation series'.
Wat made me do this was that i happened to stumble upon the fourth book to the series and it looked interesting and havin heard a lot about it, thought i 'd try it out.
Its very dissapointing to say that i hardly got past pg 13. Total rubbish is all i can say. I didnt feel like reading it.I encourages you to put down the book and do something worthwhile like helping your mother with her chores. This felt much more satisfying. This is exactly what a book shoulnt do.
Maybe skipping the first three books of the series might have also "helped" me come to this desicion(i hope its spelled right).

Well as a concluding statement; i'd like somebody, who reads this blog, to donate the first three books,so that i may not desecrate asimov anymore.
(before u consider me a totally hopeless case i would also like to state that i loved his 'I,robot' and has hated what they have done in the movie.)

*And sorry to all those who may have been mislead into readin this blog cos of the title given*

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Hey have ever had a dream that u think u can control and found urself impossibly lost in it.
Well those are the kind of dreams i have been having lately ,and it aint fun.
For example last night i was having a totally normal dream about nothing in particular (actually i cant remember) and then, i somehow find myself in a building.
At first it was fun tryin to figure out a way out of the building ,cos each door in the building opens up to a new room filled with some kind of "splendor", but after a while i realise i m lost.
I cant find a way out of the freakin buildin and next thing i know i m panicking ; when that happens i suddenly wake up still worried about findin an exit to the blessed building and a hell lot tired.
I usually go to sleep determined to find an exit to the building,but that never happens cos when ever I knowingly try to dream about it, it never comes. It always occurs in dreams u least expect.

A similar kind of dream that i had some time back was this;
I find myself in some college and i have a boombox in my left hand and huge camera in my right.
At first I am all alone in the building (no this aint a stuck-in-a-building dream, read on) then i see a few people my own age walkin around (oh yeah hot chicks).
I start talkin to them and figure out that I m studyin for some kind of videography course and that I have a test today.
I do realise that I am in a dream so I walk in confidently to take the test.
as I settle down in my seat, I find that I cant find a single clean sheet of paper in my book to write the test and so I go around asking people for paper and no one seems to have any.
The dream could have ended happily or something else could have happened but all i do in the rest of the dream go around asking for paper.

And saddest part of all this is that i know I m dreamin the whole time.
Maybe that is what triggers these kinds of dreams.

Do u think i might be losing it?
Am i worrying unnecessarily?
Do i have to find a solution to these dreams? Could they have some kind of inner meaning?
Do dreams play an important part in shaping a human being?
If so are any dreams that can be specified to develop any certain kind traits in homo sapiens?
What if my pets start having these kind of dreams?Wait, do cats and dream?At all?
And most importantly...........when am i going to stop asking these stupid questions?

i thought i'd write this entry with the proper punctuations and spellings and stuff
And please, do not critisise the errors (both gramattical and sppelling) cos they half been included for ur entertainment.

After all, who likes an all-perfect entry,eh?

Monday, June 20, 2005


Well heres another blog to victimise all u out there caught in the web

ve u ever wondered if wat we call life is just a dream
u know the kind of feelin tht u r a deep sleep and wat u r livin is just a halluicination,a dream tht u can never wake up from
wat if u learned to control how and wat u dream
the possibilities r limitless
u can make ur self the strongest ,the wittiest ,the tallest ,the smallest ,the most charming ,or wat ever fancies u
u can make ur self the leader of the "free world"
u can invent a cure for aids(a bit too ambitious,but possible)
hey u can even make ur self fly
u can even imagine up new creatures, aliens ,anything u want
as i said earlier the possibilities r endless

BUT wat if all this,wat we know ,wat we hear, see, smell; all of this is wat i ve imagined
wat if others in this same state of "slumber" has a different conception of how the world is
wat if its in my dream that US is the super power and the earth ,the planets the stars and even the universe as we know is just my imagination
its because i imagined it to be tht way,
doesnt tht in a way make me GOD
it sure is an empowering thought

the animals look lik they r because i ve imagined it tht way
maybe somebody else has a totally diff idea of how animals should

wait if thts the situation its me who created such great works of art ,music ,literature...........
its me who built the great monuments,the seven wonders
it is i who am responsible for all the dicoveries and inventions
for internet
for communication
for bloggin


man i feel great
if only it were true

once u start thinkin of it tht way it can prove to be quite dangerous under certain circumstances
u could be termed as anarchic
a rebel
a screwball

i mcant write anymore on this
this is too overwhelmin
this shit is too deep for me
should ve these thoughts when havin pot or somethin
then it ll do u some good
oh and it ll ensure tht extra kick u ve always been earnin for

well try to keep to this to urself
imagination can be quite a dangerous thing in the wrong hands

like GnR said, "Use ur illusion"

Monday, June 13, 2005

Spell Czech

The spell czech

Eye halve a spelling chequer.It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word and weight four it to say
Weather eye am wrong oar write. It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid,it nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite. Its rarely ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it,I am sure your pleased two no.
Its letter perfect in it's weigh. My chequer tolled me sew

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Bad joke

Squirell to a shrink
"When I learned, 'You are what you eat' , I realised i was nuts.

Freaky Rap

whoa.........the coolest thing ever (or the freakiest,which ever way u look at it)
just heard a tamil rap song
though i dont know tamil i understood that the theme was about wife beatin
they ve done it quite well actually
they ve everything u see in usual rap videos
money everywhere,expensive cars,lots of bling-bling, girls........wait, hey there were no half naked girls in the video. Wat were they thinkin wen they made this video. How do they expect to sell that stuff without even a single girl baring 3/4ths of her breast.Anyways my best wishes to them.

while on the topic of breasts and clothes,why do women wear clothes that are a sorry excuse of a dress and complain of us guys oglin at their "chests"
why bother wearin one of those wen u can go topless

man i m bored out of my mind out here
been home from coll for about a week and i m already "college-sick"
i cant find anything very interestin to think about it and my coll is a real garbage heap, but i still miss it.Dont know why

was at st.treasas' last day and boy was i glad
i should say, the girls out there really blew my mind out
it was lik a little mumbai in there
the chit chat ,the dressing (oh yes the dressing,never thought i'd see anything lik this in kerala)
the coll wasnt lik this wen my cus was studyin there.Of course it was way ahead of its time even then but still things have changed a lot.

have a date tom
dont know wat i m gonna wear
have to start selecting today itself otherwise i ll be in a fix tom
u see theres a peculiar problem with me
i take a lot of time to decide on wat to wear
usually guys are known to dress quickly and without much fuss
but with me it is a long process
by the time i'm all ready i would ve tried on atleast 10 shirts and no fewer than 5 jeans,tryin out all combinations
i know its weird but i cant help it
i even take time to decide on wat i m gonna wear wen i go to gym
its quite understandble wen there r girls comin to work out but this is a guys only gym
may be i m bit too conscious of the people who i see on the road
i sometimes hate myself self for goin through the tiresome process of dressin up
most of the time i end up goin out with the same combination of clothes

i hope i dont marry a girl who takes as much time as me to dress up,otherwise we'd never get anywhere

man my language sucks
i'm on a downhill path to oblivion on a cart with no brakes

huh... wat the fuck was tht, man i'm goin nuts here