Friday, June 24, 2005


The time is almost 4:00am and i aint sleepy at all.
Ofcourse i did sleep all afternoon and evening,but lets ignore that here.
Lets say i have a severe case of insomnia,and that i havent slept for days.

Well what i was trying to say was, its time for another blog.

I read sci-fi but not as much as some of my buddies in coll.
What books they have read i havent and vice versa.
So my choice of authors were considered to be......lets say outlandish (though i do read asimov)
I guess its partly true,cos where ever i have had a sci-fi discussion with anybody,the books i have read are the more obscure ones.
Actually i find them more entertaining than asimov or sorts (nothing against them,its just that they r cliche).
The obscure ones arent afraid to experiment with anything, ofcourse u cant expect the best books from them but there r quite a few good ones.

Well with this sort of thing happening all the time i thought i'd try out an established author ; in this case a well established series if u may. 'The foundation series'.
Wat made me do this was that i happened to stumble upon the fourth book to the series and it looked interesting and havin heard a lot about it, thought i 'd try it out.
Its very dissapointing to say that i hardly got past pg 13. Total rubbish is all i can say. I didnt feel like reading it.I encourages you to put down the book and do something worthwhile like helping your mother with her chores. This felt much more satisfying. This is exactly what a book shoulnt do.
Maybe skipping the first three books of the series might have also "helped" me come to this desicion(i hope its spelled right).

Well as a concluding statement; i'd like somebody, who reads this blog, to donate the first three books,so that i may not desecrate asimov anymore.
(before u consider me a totally hopeless case i would also like to state that i loved his 'I,robot' and has hated what they have done in the movie.)

*And sorry to all those who may have been mislead into readin this blog cos of the title given*

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